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Small Axe Podcast

Sep 5, 2022

Welcome back! Small Axe Community! We are joined by Jeff Davis!


Jeff moved from New Orleans to Houston after Hurricane Katrina and found work as a data entry clerk behind the desk at a logistics company. He began working on solving problems for customers and soon found himself regularly in customer-facing meetings helping salespeople close deals. Eventually, he became a sales rep for a large Fortune 200 Global Logistics firm where he has continued assisting clients to this day. He invested his commissions in real estate in 2015 so his "commissions could earn commissions and has seen the benefits of how real estate can help grow net worth. Now, he wants to help others do the same. 

So with no further ado, Let’s welcome Jeff Davis!


  • Jeff moved to Houston after Hurricane Katrina and found work as a data entry clerk.
  • He began working on solving problems for customers and soon found himself regularly in customer-facing meetings, helping salespeople close deals. 
  • Eventually, he became a sales rep for a large fortune 200 global logistics firm, where he has continued helping clients to this day. 
  • Jeff invested his commissions in real estate in 2015 and has scaled this into a 952-unit portfolio. 
  • Jeff wants to help others do the same


[09:26 - 19:24] How to Pitch a Real Estate Deal Like a Pro

  • people get to see what kind of returns they can expect when investing in real estate through a behind-the-scenes perspective.
  • One key role for a GP is raising capital, which can be difficult but is essential for those in the real estate industry.
  • It is important to have a team that can do their job well and fit into their groove, as each person has their own strengths.
  • Quick Ad: Nico Invites you to join Jake’s & Gino’s Multifamily Mastery 5 in Florida this coming November 2022 If you’re joining, Nico Salgado offers early bird pricing for you! All you have to do is connect and message him through his Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn or email him directly at to get the code you can use to avail of a discount!



[19:25 - 28:12] Jeff Shares His Tips For Investing In Real Estate

  • The average multifamily property owner experiences 15-20% annual rent growth.
  • Real estate is a stable and consistent investment with an industry average return of 17%.
  • When investing in multifamily real estate, it is crucial to focus on the overall risk and not just the potential for gains.




[33:22 - 34:22] Closing Segment





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I believe that you only need a small axe to build a lasting empire. Let’s start building yours!



To know more about me and all the real estate opportunities you can find, you can connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, or check out my website and book a call with me.



Tweetable Quotes:


“The first house that I bought in 2007, I've consistently made 20% even through a recession in COVID. And if you stack that up every five years, I double my money and that's a pretty consistent return factor across all real estate. It's not buying today and double your money tomorrow. And there are those where you have this big pop, but when the stock market's going down, you're probably still in that 15 to 20% range. So my conversation is removing risk, not highlighting gains.” - Jeff Davis